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Hello UniFi AVS 🦄

About UniFi AVS

UniFi AVS is an EigenLayer-based solution addressing challenges in Ethereum's preconfirmation (preconf) ecosystem. It offers permissionless validator participation, an on-chain registry, and slashing mechanisms for accountability.

Built on EigenLayer and integrating Commit-Boost, UniFi AVS aims to provide fast, secure, and neutral preconfirmations for based rollups, enhancing Ethereum's scalability while maintaining its core principles of decentralization and security.

What does UniFi AVS bring? 🚀

Protocol Features

  • 🟢 Permissionless: Any restaked validator on EigenLayer can participate.
  • 📊 On-Chain Registry: Transparent and discoverable preconfer registry.
  • ⚖️ Slashing Mechanism: Enforces accountability for preconfirmation promises.
  • 🔗 EigenLayer Integration: Leverages restaking for capital efficiency.
  • 🌟 Innovation Catalyst: Enables rapid innovation without altering Ethereum's core protocol.

Preconfirmation Service

  • ⚡ Fast Confirmations: Near-instant transaction confirmations (~100ms).
  • 🔒 Security: Strong assurances from Ethereum validators, backed by economic security.
  • 🌐 Neutrality: Commitment to impartiality and unbiased operation.
  • 💪 Binding Promises: Unlike centralized sequencers, preconfirmations are backed by real economic consequences.

Makes Based Rollups Viable

  • 🔄 Liveness Guarantees: Inherit robust liveness from Ethereum L1.
  • 🛡️ Simplicity and Security: Leverage Ethereum's existing infrastructure.
  • 💰 Economic Alignment: MEV flows back to Ethereum L1.
  • 🤝 Synchronous Composability: Interact across different based rollups.
  • ⚡ Enhanced Speed: Overcome the limitation of long L1 block times.


  • 🌟 Open Source: Developed as a public good.
  • 🔧 Standardization: Facilitates easier integration with validator software.

The UniFi AVS Ecosystem 🌐


UniFi AVS creates a robust ecosystem that enhances Ethereum's capabilities without compromising its core principles. It brings together validators, users, and the broader Ethereum community to provide faster, more secure, and more efficient transaction processing.

The ecosystem is driven by Validators and Users:

  • Validators can participate in UniFi AVS by owning an EigenPod and running Commit-Boost software. They provide preconfirmation services and earn additional rewards while contributing to the network's security and efficiency.

  • Users benefit from near-instant transaction confirmations (~100ms) for both L1 transactions and based rollup transactions. This significantly improves the user experience, making it comparable to or better than alternative L1 blockchains.

Why be a Validator on UniFi AVS? 🤖

Validators can leverage their existing restaked ETH to participate in UniFi AVS, offering several benefits:

  • 💰 Additional Rewards: Earn extra rewards by providing preconfirmation services.
  • 🔒 Capital Efficiency: Use restaked ETH as preconf collateral without additional deposits.
  • 🌐 Network Contribution: Play a crucial role in enhancing Ethereum's transaction speed and user experience.
  • 🚀 Innovation Participation: Be part of cutting-edge advancements in the Ethereum ecosystem.

UniFi AVS allows validators to participate in preconfirmations without requiring additional collateral beyond their restaked ETH. If you're already running validators on EigenLayer, you're perfectly positioned to join this new opportunity!

Why use UniFi AVS? 🚀

For users and developers, UniFi AVS offers significant advantages:

  • ⚡ Speed: Experience near-instant transaction confirmations (~100ms).
  • 🔒 Security: Benefit from strong assurances backed by economic security.
  • 🌐 Ecosystem Improvement: Contribute to a more efficient and user-friendly Ethereum ecosystem.
  • 🔗 Compatibility: Seamlessly integrate with based rollups for enhanced scalability.
  • 🏗️ Building Opportunity: Perfect platform for building next-generation rollups with lightning-fast confirmations and unified liquidity.

UniFi AVS brings the speed of alternative L1s to Ethereum without compromising on security or decentralization. It's not just an improvement - it's a revolution for Ethereum!

UniFi AVS prioritizes the security and efficiency of the Ethereum ecosystem. To ensure this, the protocol:

  • Requires validators to own EigenPods and run Commit-Boost software.
  • Implements slashing mechanisms for accountability.
  • Maintains neutrality by avoiding governance token requirements for participation.